Work From Bed Amazon Must-Haves That Make You Feel Productive & Cozy

In Blog, Entrepreneurs & Creatives, Ideas & Inspriation, Must-Haves by District Maven Marketing & Creative

Work From Bed Amazon Must-Haves That Make You Feel Productive & Cozy

May 25, 2023 | 11:20 am

Work From Bed Amazon Must-Haves That Make You Feel Productive & Cozy

May 25, 2023 | 11:20 am

Top Amazon Office Furniture & Accessories That Will Complete A Millennial's WFH Space

May 25, 2023 | 11:20 am

Work From Bed Amazon Must-Haves That Make You Feel Productive & Cozy

May 25, 2023 | 11:20 am
To my loyal District Maven blog readers, I apologize for the radio silence lately.

For years, I have suffered from debilitating back pain. These issues likely stemmed from injuries sustained from various sports I played in high school, and was certainly exacerbated by spending hours at my computer working. My first spinal surgery was in January, 2017, and I naively thought I would never have to go through that experience again. Flash forward to April, 2023, and I found myself undergoing a second back surgery, all before the age of 35.

District Maven train stops for no one – including me! With that being said, I am fluent in the fine art of setting up shop from comforts of your own bed. At first, I found creating a workspace that allows me to be both productive and horizontal particularly challenging.

As usual, Amazon came to the rescue with these absolutely amazing WFB products that will help you get shit done in the coziest fashion.
To my loyal District Maven blog readers, I apologize for the radio silence lately.

For years, I have suffered from debilitating back pain. These issues likely stemmed from injuries sustained from various sports I played in high school, and was certainly exacerbated by spending hours at my computer working. My first spinal surgery was in January, 2017, and I naively thought I would never have to go through that experience again. Flash forward to April, 2023, and I found myself undergoing a second back surgery, all before the age of 35.

District Maven train stops for no one – including me! With that being said, I am fluent in the fine art of setting up shop from comforts of your own bed. At first, I found creating a workspace that allows me to be both productive and horizontal particularly challenging.

As usual, Amazon came to the rescue with these absolutely amazing WFB products that will help you get shit done in the coziest fashion.
Having an exciting, positive and comfortable work environment has always been an important part of any successful operation. Especially in today's post-COVID era, it goes without saying that this rule also applies to one's remote office space as well. In our opinion, the right atmosphere is key to staying motivated and focused while simultaneously allowing creativity to flourish. In short – the best WFH spaces are the ones that just feel right.

If you're an avid reader of our marketing agency's blog, then you know how strongly we feel about having optimal office vibes. (If not, feel free to check out our previous top product lists here and here.) Thanks to Amazon and a self-imposed need to be constantly evolving, the look and feel of our operating space rarely stays the same for long. And with the birthday of our CEO & President, Leigh Genetti Byers, right around the corner, we felt that our office space could use a sophisticated makeover.

Want to find out what made the cut and now resides at District Maven headquarters? Check out our list of top gold and white office essentials that you can buy on Amazon now.
To my loyal District Maven blog readers, I apologize for the radio silence lately.

For years, I have suffered from debilitating back pain. These issues likely stemmed from injuries sustained from various sports I played in high school, and was certainly exacerbated by spending hours at my computer working. My first spinal surgery was in January, 2017, and I naively thought I would never have to go through that experience again. Flash forward to April, 2023, and I found myself undergoing a second back surgery, all before the age of 35.

District Maven train stops for no one – including me! With that being said, I am fluent in the fine art of setting up shop from comforts of your own bed. At first, I found creating a workspace that allows me to be both productive and horizontal particularly challenging.

As usual, Amazon came to the rescue with these absolutely amazing WFB products that will help you get shit done in the coziest fashion.