Tick, Tock: GA4 Is Coming, So Kiss Google Analytics Universal Goodbye
February 14, 2023 | 12:09 pmTick, Tock: GA4 Is Coming, So Kiss Google Analytics Universal Goodbye
February 14, 2023 | 12:09 pmTick, Tock: GA4 Is Coming, So Kiss Google Analytics Universal Goodbye
February 14, 2023 | 12:09 pmTick, Tock: GA4 Is Coming, So Kiss Google Analytics Universal Goodbye
February 14, 2023 | 12:09 pmThe OG of search engines is shaking things up in a big way, fam.
Unless you've been living under a rock (or don't take your website data seriously), then you've probably already heard about the big changes coming to Google's analytics tool this summer. The search engine giant formally announced plans for its data tracking platform upgrade in March 2022, with a deadline of July 1, 2023 attached. Until that time, Google has left the option of upgrading sooner to the webmasters. Those interested in switching to GA4 right away were able to, while others that preferred the traditional, "universal" version could continue using it until 7/1/23.
(Full disclosure, the District Maven team has mixed reviews about this, and have heard similar sentiments from fellow marketing professionals we've talked to.)
Until that time, Google has left the option of upgrading sooner to the webmasters. Those interested in switching to GA4 right away were able to, while others that preferred the traditional, "universal" version could continue using it until 7/1/23. (Full disclosure, the District Maven team has mixed reviews about this, and have heard similar sentiments from fellow marketing professionals we've talked to.)With the firm transition date just a few short months away, Google has made it clear that they don't want to leave any questions unanswered. In addition to this product microsite that breaks down GA4 in greater detail, they've also produced many step-by-step guides and have incessantly emailed account admins about it. (We can attest to that, as 350+ of them hit our inboxes this week alone.)
The most recent correspondence regarding the GA4 transition was received by the District Maven team on February 9th, 2023.As stated above, those who don't want Google to automatically create GA4 properties for them can choose to out-out by following the instructions provided here. Regardless of what you choose to do with your personal or business analytics property, the truth of the matter still remains: it is absolutely crucial that all businesses and brands accept the inevitable and get a jump-start on reacting to it. Transitioning your property to GA4 now allows one to preserve their historical data (while maximizing its impact), as well as ensure that account settings and conversion goals are carried over as well. Even to a premier, seasoned business owner, this looming deadline and the changes it brings can cause a bit of anxiety – and understandably so. Change can absolutely be a scary thing – but it doesn't have to be, especially when it comes to your digital marketing. For those looking to navigate these changes with an experienced tour guide, District Maven is here to guide you every step of the way. Request a quote from our top-rated marketing agency today and get started on your journey to modern data tracking today.

The OG of search engines is shaking things up in a big way, fam.
Unless you've been living under a rock (or don't take your website data seriously), then you've probably already heard about the big changes coming to Google's analytics tool this summer. The search engine giant formally announced plans for its data tracking platform upgrade in March 2022, with a deadline of July 1, 2023 attached. Until that time, Google has left the option of upgrading sooner to the webmasters. Those interested in switching to GA4 right away were able to, while others that preferred the traditional, "universal" version could continue using it until 7/1/23.
(Full disclosure, the District Maven team has mixed reviews about this, and have heard similar sentiments from fellow marketing professionals we've talked to.)
Until that time, Google has left the option of upgrading sooner to the webmasters. Those interested in switching to GA4 right away were able to, while others that preferred the traditional, "universal" version could continue using it until 7/1/23. (Full disclosure, the District Maven team has mixed reviews about this, and have heard similar sentiments from fellow marketing professionals we've talked to.)With the firm transition date just a few short months away, Google has made it clear that they don't want to leave any questions unanswered. In addition to this product microsite that breaks down GA4 in greater detail, they've also produced many step-by-step guides and have incessantly emailed account admins about it. (We can attest to that, as 350+ of them hit our inboxes this week alone.)
The most recent correspondence regarding the GA4 transition was received by the District Maven team on February 9th, 2023.As stated above, those who don't want Google to automatically create GA4 properties for them can choose to out-out by following the instructions provided here. Regardless of what you choose to do with your personal or business analytics property, the truth of the matter still remains: it is absolutely crucial that all businesses and brands accept the inevitable and get a jump-start on reacting to it. Transitioning your property to GA4 now allows one to preserve their historical data (while maximizing its impact), as well as ensure that account settings and conversion goals are carried over as well. Even to a premier, seasoned business owner, this looming deadline and the changes it brings can cause a bit of anxiety – and understandably so. Change can absolutely be a scary thing – but it doesn't have to be, especially when it comes to your digital marketing. For those looking to navigate these changes with an experienced tour guide, District Maven is here to guide you every step of the way. Request a quote from our top-rated marketing agency today and get started on your journey to modern data tracking today.

The OG of search engines is shaking things up in a big way, fam.
Unless you've been living under a rock (or don't take your website data seriously), then you've probably already heard about the big changes coming to Google's analytics tool this summer. The search engine giant formally announced plans for its data tracking platform upgrade in March 2022, with a deadline of July 1, 2023 attached. Until that time, Google has left the option of upgrading sooner to the webmasters. Those interested in switching to GA4 right away were able to, while others that preferred the traditional, "universal" version could continue using it until 7/1/23.
(Full disclosure, the District Maven team has mixed reviews about this, and have heard similar sentiments from fellow marketing professionals we've talked to.)
Until that time, Google has left the option of upgrading sooner to the webmasters. Those interested in switching to GA4 right away were able to, while others that preferred the traditional, "universal" version could continue using it until 7/1/23. (Full disclosure, the District Maven team has mixed reviews about this, and have heard similar sentiments from fellow marketing professionals we've talked to.)With the firm transition date just a few short months away, Google has made it clear that they don't want to leave any questions unanswered. In addition to this product microsite that breaks down GA4 in greater detail, they've also produced many step-by-step guides and have incessantly emailed account admins about it. (We can attest to that, as 350+ of them hit our inboxes this week alone.)
The most recent correspondence regarding the GA4 transition was received by the District Maven team on February 9th, 2023.As stated above, those who don't want Google to automatically create GA4 properties for them can choose to out-out by following the instructions provided here. Regardless of what you choose to do with your personal or business analytics property, the truth of the matter still remains: it is absolutely crucial that all businesses and brands accept the inevitable and get a jump-start on reacting to it. Transitioning your property to GA4 now allows one to preserve their historical data (while maximizing its impact), as well as ensure that account settings and conversion goals are carried over as well. Even to a premier, seasoned business owner, this looming deadline and the changes it brings can cause a bit of anxiety – and understandably so. Change can absolutely be a scary thing – but it doesn't have to be, especially when it comes to your digital marketing. For those looking to navigate these changes with an experienced tour guide, District Maven is here to guide you every step of the way. Request a quote from our top-rated marketing agency today and get started on your journey to modern data tracking today.

The OG of search engines is shaking things up in a big way, fam.
Unless you've been living under a rock (or don't take your website data seriously), then you've probably already heard about the big changes coming to Google's analytics tool this summer. The search engine giant formally announced plans for its data tracking platform upgrade in March 2022, with a deadline of July 1, 2023 attached. Until that time, Google has left the option of upgrading sooner to the webmasters. Those interested in switching to GA4 right away were able to, while others that preferred the traditional, "universal" version could continue using it until 7/1/23.

(Full disclosure, the District Maven team has mixed reviews about this, and have heard similar sentiments from fellow marketing professionals we've talked to.)
Until that time, Google has left the option of upgrading sooner to the webmasters. Those interested in switching to GA4 right away were able to, while others that preferred the traditional, "universal" version could continue using it until 7/1/23. (Full disclosure, the District Maven team has mixed reviews about this, and have heard similar sentiments from fellow marketing professionals we've talked to.)With the firm transition date just a few short months away, Google has made it clear that they don't want to leave any questions unanswered. In addition to this product microsite that breaks down GA4 in greater detail, they've also produced many step-by-step guides and have incessantly emailed account admins about it. (We can attest to that, as 350+ of them hit our inboxes this week alone.)
The most recent correspondence regarding the GA4 transition was received by the District Maven team on February 9th, 2023.As stated above, those who don't want Google to automatically create GA4 properties for them can choose to out-out by following the instructions provided here. Regardless of what you choose to do with your personal or business analytics property, the truth of the matter still remains: it is absolutely crucial that all businesses and brands accept the inevitable and get a jump-start on reacting to it. Transitioning your property to GA4 now allows one to preserve their historical data (while maximizing its impact), as well as ensure that account settings and conversion goals are carried over as well. Even to a premier, seasoned business owner, this looming deadline and the changes it brings can cause a bit of anxiety – and understandably so. Change can absolutely be a scary thing – but it doesn't have to be, especially when it comes to your digital marketing. For those looking to navigate these changes with an experienced tour guide, District Maven is here to guide you every step of the way. Request a quote from our top-rated marketing agency today and get started on your journey to modern data tracking today.